Saturday, September 20, 2014

When I was younger, my grandfather's brother had a ranch up in the hills. Still does. There was a horse trough filled with water and a three inch goldfish in it. Keeping fish all through my life, I was always reminded in the absence of the hobby about what I really appreciate and love, fish. Here is a montage of photos I included to show what I have done off and on through the last four years.
I kept plants growing, bred a few fish and began my fascination with keeping the more unusual species that many pass by when selecting a community specimen or single species of fish to house. I bought my wife her Fire Eel, "Riff Raff" nearly three two years ago and he is doing well. We have one tank at this time in our home, a 135 gallon housing all the fish we have. It consist of Freshwater Spiny Eels, two Bichirs, a Lace Cat, one Angelfish, a Ancistrus species Pleco, a Banjo Cat... and I forget what else maybe? For the time this will do, but eventually dividing the fish will be necessary.

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