Sunday, January 24, 2021

Break neck guitars

im fucking sick of bullshit. so heres the real shit. 2005 fender telecaster.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Me and my wife have done well fishing the surf and off rocks this year. My wife is quite an angler and fishing is one of our favorite family times together with the kids. The ocean has a wealth of surprises to pull up on your line, including some that you might not want to chance handling and it is better to cut the line than get bit. We catch and release since we don't eat fish.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

When I was younger, my grandfather's brother had a ranch up in the hills. Still does. There was a horse trough filled with water and a three inch goldfish in it. Keeping fish all through my life, I was always reminded in the absence of the hobby about what I really appreciate and love, fish. Here is a montage of photos I included to show what I have done off and on through the last four years.
I kept plants growing, bred a few fish and began my fascination with keeping the more unusual species that many pass by when selecting a community specimen or single species of fish to house. I bought my wife her Fire Eel, "Riff Raff" nearly three two years ago and he is doing well. We have one tank at this time in our home, a 135 gallon housing all the fish we have. It consist of Freshwater Spiny Eels, two Bichirs, a Lace Cat, one Angelfish, a Ancistrus species Pleco, a Banjo Cat... and I forget what else maybe? For the time this will do, but eventually dividing the fish will be necessary.